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Title: Do catadromous thinlip grey mullet beneft from shifting to freshwater? A perspective from fatty acid signature analysis
Authors: Pereira, Esmeralda
Jorge, André
Quintella, Bernardo
Gomes da Silva, Marco
R. Almeida, Pedro
Lança, Maria João
Editors: Springer
Keywords: Catadromy
Trophic migration
GC/MS chromatography
Reproductive strategy
Issue Date: 27-Feb-2024
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Pereira et al., (2024) - Do catadromous thinlip grey mullet beneft from shifting to freshwater? A perspective from fatty acid signature analysis. Fish Physiol Biochem
Abstract: Abstract To investigate the potential benefts of the catadromous thinlip grey mullet Chelon ramada Risso, 1827) migration to freshwater, the total lipid content and fatty acid (FA) profle of female’s muscle and gonads caught in both the estuary and river were analyzed. The freshwater contingent presented a higher body condition, greater muscle gross energy, and larger gonads with higher lipid reserves. These animals showed a muscle profle rich in C16:1n-7 and lower LC-PUFA that contrast with the higher relative amount of C18:1n-9, n-3 FA, and unsaturated LC-PUFA, such as C18 and C20 FA found in the estuarine contingent. The gonads of both contingents showed a constant and high relative amount of polyunsaturated FAs (PUFA, 37%). However, in terms of ssential fatty acids (EFAs), the estuarine contingent had a higher relative amount of C18:2n-6, C20:4n-6, C20:5n-3, and C22:6n-3. On the other hand, the freshwater contingent showed a higher relative amount of n-3 FA precursors, namely C18:3n-3, and a still low relative amount of C22:6n-3. This suggests a mismatch between the metabolic omega-3 pathway and the physiological maturity stages, similar to a phenomenon of dormancy. In this sense, not all these individuals may reproduce annually, and the later stages of gonad development will supplementary energy derived from feeding at the estuary. Thus, freshwater migration may promote a reproductive strategy enabling adults to take advantage of the warm and food-rich summer/autumn period, adjust spawning and juvenile appearance, and reduce the population’s exposure to habitat changes and/or stochastic events.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ZOO - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
BIO - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
MED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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