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Title: "Marsá" reinforced concrete beams and their application in Spanish agricultural industrial architecture
Authors: Palomares Alarcón, Sheila
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Citation: PALOMARES ALARCÓN, Sheila. (2020). "Marsá" reinforced concrete beams and their application in Spanish agricultural industrial architecture. ICON – Journal of ICOHTEC, 25, nº2, 148-162.
Abstract: Agustín Marsá Prat registered several patents between 1941 and 1956. These included a patent for a reinforced concrete roof-beam that he designed with the intention of replacing expensive iron beams which were so difficult to purchase at the time. His concrete beams were proposed as a low-cost, lightweight reinforced concrete structural system, which required little skilled labour and had a striking aesthetic effect. Known today as “Marsá” truss beams or as reinforced concrete truss beams with braces, they were commonly used in industrial buildings related to the agri-food sector.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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