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Title: Towards a Sustainable Future: Advancing an Integrated Approach for the Recycling and Valorization of Agricultural Plastics
Authors: Filipe, Susana
Mourão, Paulo
Couto, Nazaré
Tranchida, Davide
Keywords: agricultural plastic waste
Public Policies
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Polymers
Citation: Filipe S, Mourão PM, Couto N, Tranchida D. Towards a Sustainable Future: Advancing an Integrated Approach for the Recycling and Valorization of Agricultural Plastics. Polymers (Basel). 2023 Nov 25;15(23):4529. doi: 10.3390/polym15234529. PMID: 38231954; PMCID: PMC11080938.
Abstract: Plastic pollution has become a pressing environmental issue. The agricultural sector, in particular, is a significant contributor to this problem, given the widespread use of plastics in farming practices and a lack of and/or use of inefficient approaches for the recycling and valorization of agricultural plastic waste. This has resulted in the accumulation of these residues in landfills and/or their improper disposal, which has exacerbated their environmental impact, leading to negative consequences on soil, water, and ecosystems. This work provides an overview on the current methodologies available to address the challenges associated with inadequate management of agricultural plastics and highlights the need for a comprehensive and systematic methodology, involving material development, polymer processing, waste collection, sorting, and valorization. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration between polymer producers, polymer manufacturers, farmers, policymakers, waste management companies, and recyclers to develop effective, technical, and economically viable recycling and valorization schemes. This paper addresses gaps and provides guidance on possible solutions, specifically polymer development, policy instruments, regulatory frameworks, collection schemes, and the technical approaches required for the adequate valorization of agricultural plastic waste. Furthermore, it highlights the associated barriers and benefits of the different presented approaches. It also aims to promote awareness on agricultural plastic waste and provide guidance on the best approaches to reduce its environmental impact.
URI: DOI: 10.3390/polym15234529
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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