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Title: The Influence of (Poly)phenol Intake in Saliva Proteome: Short- and Medium-Term Effects of Apple
Authors: Louro, Teresa
Carreira, Laura
Caeiro, Inês
Simões, Carla
Ricardo-Rodrigues, Sara
Rato, Ana Elisa
Capela e Silva, Fernando
Luis, Henrique
Moreira, Pedro
Lamy, Elsa
Keywords: apple
saliva proteome
S-type cystitis
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Citation: Louro T, Carreira L, Caeiro I, Simões C, Ricardo-Rodrigues S, Rato AE, Capela e Silva F, Luís H, Moreira P, Lamy E. The Influence of (Poly)phenol Intake in Saliva Proteome: Short- and Medium-Term Effects of Apple. Foods. 2023; 12(13):2540
Abstract: The relationship between salivary proteome and dietary habits was studied in previous works, where a relationship between salivary proteins like cystatins and polyphenol/tannin levels in diet was observed. However, it remains to be elucidated if this association results from an effect of polyphenol-rich food ingestion on saliva composition. The aim of this work was to test the effects of apple intake on the saliva proteome, both in the short and medium term (after 4 days of continuous intake). By incubating saliva samples with apple phenolic-rich extract, protein bands containing α-amylase, S-type cystatins, and proline-rich proteins (PRPs) appeared in the fraction that precipitated, showing the potential of these (poly)phenols to precipitate salivary proteins. Among these, it was salivary cystatins that presented changes in their levels both in the saliva samples collected immediately after apple intake and in the ones collected after 4 days of intake of an extra amount of apple. These results support the thought that intake is reflected in the salivary proteome. The effect of a polyphenol-rich food, like the apple, on salivary cystatin levels is in line with results observed in animal models and, due to the involvement of these proteins in oral food perception, it would be interesting to explore in future studies the effect of these changes on sensory perception and acceptance of polyphenol-rich food.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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