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Title: The importance of geobotany in habitat restoration
Authors: Pinto-Gomes, Carlos
Baião, Cristina
Ferreira, Luís
Meireles, Catarina
Keywords: geobotany
Issue Date: 10-Jun-2023
Publisher: University of Catania
Citation: Pinto-Gomes, C, Baião, C., Ferreira, L., Meireles, C. (2023) The importance of geobotany in habitat restoration. Pp. 96-96. In: Giusso del Galdo G., Sciandrello S., Cristaudo A., Minissale P., Puglisi M., Ranno V., Tavilla G. (Eds.) 2023. XV INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION - “Plant ecology and conservation in the Mediterranean area”. Book of abstracts. Linguaglossa (Etna, Italy) 2023, June 6-10. University of Catania Sicily, Italy.
Abstract: Geobotany is a scientific discipline that allows us to characterize in detail any territory on the globe, namely at the Bioclimatological and Biogeographical level. Based on geobotanical knowledge, as well as other areas of natural science, it is possible to assess the conservation status of different habitats, as well as the plant potential of each surface of different territories. In this sense, geobotanical knowledge is essential, and even indispensable, to efficiently restore and enhance natural and semi natural habitats in a poor state of conservation.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:MED - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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