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Title: Poly(ionic liquid)-based aerogels for continuous-flow CO2 upcycling
Authors: Barrulas, Raquel V.
Tinajero, Cristopher
Ferreira, Diogo P. N.
Illanes-Bordomás, Carlos
Sans, Victor
Ribeiro Carrott, Manuela
García-González, Carlos A.
Zanatta, Marcileia
Corvo, Marta C.
Editors: Park, Sang-Eon
Keywords: Polymeric ionic liquids
Aerogel Porous materials
CO2 cycloadditions
Packed-bed reactors
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: R.V. Barrulas, C. Tinajero, D.P.N. Ferreira, C. Illanes-Bordomás, V. Sans, M. Ribeiro Carrott, C.A. García-González, M. Zanatta, M.C. Corvo, Poly(ionic liquid)-based aerogels for continuous-flow CO2 upcycling, J. CO2 Util. 83 (2024) 102771
Abstract: The atmospheric concentration of CO2 is rising at an alarming pace, creating a pressing need for new and sustainable materials capable of capture and conversion. Poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) are particularly effective catalysts for processes at or near atmospheric pressure. PILs industrial application poses challenges due to the low porosity of PIL, the limited batch conversion capacity, and the difficulties in reuse. To overcome these limitations, we herein propose the use of AEROPILs catalysts obtained from the integration of PILs in chitosan-based aerogels. These cost-effective highly porous materials have unique and tuneable porous properties making them not only ideal sustainable CO2 sorbents but also promising heterogeneous catalysts. While AEROPILs show moderate yields for CO2 conversion in batch mode, high catalytic activity was achieved when AEROPILs were used to catalyse the CO2 cycloaddition reaction to epoxides in packed-bed reactors operated under continuous flow. The catalytic activity and stability were maintained over 60 h without activity loss, and high productivity (space-time yield of 21.18 g (prod) /(h L). This research reveals the pioneering use of AEROPILs to efficiently upcycle CO2 into cyclic carbonate under a continuous flow setup.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:QUI - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
LAVQ-REQUIMTE - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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