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Title: Landscape Observatory in Alqueva, Alentejo Region (Portugal). Why It Matters?
Authors: Freire, Maria
Ramos, Isabel Joaquina
Rego, Maria da Conceição
Editors: Agnoletti, Mauro
Dobričič, Saša
Matteini, Tessa
Palerm, Juan Manuel
Keywords: Alqueva
Landscape transformation
Landscape observatory
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Freire, M., Ramos, I.J., da Conceição Rego, M. (2024). Landscape Observatory in Alqueva, Alentejo Region (Portugal). Why It Matters?. In: Agnoletti, M., Dobričič, S., Matteini, T., Palerm, J.M. (eds) Cultivating Continuity of the European Landscape. Environmental History, vol 15. Springer, Cham.
Abstract: Landscape Observatories are important for the continuous and systematic observation of landscape, so as to provide information and design guidelines for landscape protection, management and planning. In Portugal, various institutions have recently created landscape observatories. The Alqueva Dam, located in Portugal on the Guadiana River in the Alentejo Region, was built for multiple purposes in 2002. The dam changed the landscape, land use and the way of working and managing the land in a way that must be monitored and evaluated, which underlies the importance of studying the region and assessing its economic, ecological, environmental, socio-cultural and aesthetic domains. A landscape observatory for the Alqueva Region would constitute a fundamental platform for understanding its landscape dynamics in space and time and support public policies and strategies for regional landscape and territorial planning. It must involve central and regional institutions, public and private organizations, the University of Évora and other research centres such as the Alqueva Development Company (EDIA).
Type: bookPart
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