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Title: Estimation of component redundancy in optimal age maintenance
Authors: Siopa, Jorge
Garção, José
Silva, Júlio
Keywords: redundancy
maintenance strategy
life-cycle cost
Issue Date: 15-May-2012
Citation: EUROMAINTENANCE 2012, Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Maintenance and Asset Management, Belgrade 14-16 May 2012
Abstract: The classical Optimal Age-Replacement defines the maintenance strategy based on the equipment failure consequences. For severe consequences an early equipment replacement is recommended. For minor consequences the repair after failure is proposed. One way of reducing the failure consequences is the use of redundancies, especially if the equipment failure rate is decreasing over time, since in this case the preventive replacement does not reduce the risk of failure. The estimation of an active component redundancy degree is very important in order to minimize the life-cycle cost. If it is possible to make these estimations in the early phase of system design, the implementation is easier and the amortization faster. This work proposes an adaptation of the Optimal Age-Replacement method in order to simultaneously optimize the equipment redundancy allocation and the maintenance plan. The main goal is to provide a simple methodology, requiring the fewer data possible. A set of examples are presented illustrating that this methodology covers a wide variety of operating conditions. The optimization of the number of repairs between each replacement, in the cases of imperfect repairs, is another feature of this methodology.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:FIS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais
CEM - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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