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Title: Design considerations for infiltration trenches applied to small villages.
Authors: Moreira, Madalena
Marreiros, Rui
Editors: Webb, Bruce
Acreman, Mike
Maksimovic, Cedo
Smithers, Hilary
Kirby, Celia
Keywords: infiltration trenches
source control
sustainable urban drainage
Issue Date: Jul-2004
Citation: Moreira, M.M.; Marreiros, R. – Design considerations for infiltration trenches applied to small villages. British Hydrological Society International Conference. Hydrology: Science and Practice for the 21st century. Edited by Bruce Webb, Mike Acreman, Cedo Maksimovic, Hilary Smithers, Celia Kirby. Londres, U.K., 12-16 July, 2004 Vol II, pp. 298-304
Abstract: Population growth, changes in people's habits and urbanization are some of the causes of the overloading of sewerage drainage systems, both combined or separate. At the same time, the transportation of water by drainage systems causes important changes in natural hydrological cycle. drainage systems of small villages, usually combined systems, do not have the capacity to receive the volume of water coming from new urban areas. Source control is a very interesting solution for a sustainable urban stormwater drainage system.
ISBN: 1903741114
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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