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Title: The choir lectern of Angra Cathedral (Terceira Island, Azores)
Authors: Henriques, Luís
Keywords: musicologia
estante de coro
Catedral de Angra
Angra do Heroísmo
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Canto Mensurable editions
Citation: Henriques, L. (2024). The choir lectern of Angra Cathedral (Terceira Island, Azores). Canto Mensurable blog, 4, 5-8.
Abstract: The Cathedral of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira Island, Azores) has a choir lectern that was in use throughout the nineteenth century until around the 1960s. This lectern once belonged to the town’s Franciscan convent of São Francisco and was extant at its church’s high choir until the 1830s when it was transferred to the Cathedral following the extinction of the religious orders in the Portuguese territory. This text examines the musical context of this object from its place of origin to the actual location.
ISSN: 2184-9307
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CESEM - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Nacionais Sem Arbitragem Científica

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