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Title: Soil apparent electrical conductivity and geographically weighted regression for mapping soil
Authors: Terrón, J. M.
Marques da Silva, José Rafael
Moral, F. J.
García-Ferrer, Alfonso
Keywords: Soil apparent electrical conductivity
Clay soil
Soil mapping
Site-specific management
Issue Date: 25-Jan-2011
Publisher: SPRINGER
Citation: TERRON, J. M.; MARQUES DA SILVA, J. R.; MORAL, F. J. & GARCÍA-FERRER, A. (2011). Soil apparent electrical conductivity and geographically weighted regression for mapping soil. Precision agriculture, 12(5): 750-761.
Abstract: To resolve the spatial variation in soil properties intensively is expensive, but such knowledge is essential to manage the soil better and to achieve greater economic and environmental benefits. The objective of this study was to determine whether the soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), alone or combined with other variables, is a useful alternative for providing detailed information on the soil in the Extremadura region of Spain. Apparent soil electrical conductivity was measured and geographically weighted regression was used to characterize the spatial variation in soil properties, which in turn can be used for soil management. This study shows that soil cation exchange capacity, calcium content, clay percentage and pH have a relatively strong spatial correlation with ECa in the soil of the study area.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
ERU - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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