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Title: 19th Century Industrial Societies: Scientific and technological dissimination and encouragement of Entrepreneurial Activity
Authors: Matos, Ana M. Cardoso de
Keywords: Sociedades e Associações
Difulgação da ciência e da Técnica
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Brepol
Citation: Ana Cardoso de Matos "19th Century Industrial Societies: Scientific and technological dissimination and encouragement of Entrepreneurial Activity" in Andrée Despy-Meyer (ed.) Institution and Societies for Teaching, Research and Popularisation, Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science, vol. XIX, Bélgica, Brepols, 2002, pp.161-173 [ISBN: 978-2-503-51413-0] [e-ISBN: 978-2-503-57359-5]
Abstract: Similarly to what happening in Europe, many industrial societies and associations were established throughout the 19th century in Portugal, Acting as spaces of scientific, cultural and economic sociability, most of these institutions aimed primarily at promoting earning and disseminating the advances of science and technology in such a way as to make the most of the country’s natural resources and to meet the needs generated by the industrial progress. This paper will discuss the dissemination of science and technological knowledge carried out by the industrial societies through publications, reading rooms, exhibitions and museums and the programmes and action undertaken to the benefit of Portugal’s industrial progress
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HIS - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings
CIDEHUS - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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