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Title: Irrigation management with remote sensing: Evaluating irrigation requirement for maize under Mediterranean climate condition
Authors: Toureiro, Célia
Serralheiro, Ricardo
Shahidian, Shakib
Sousa, Adélia
Keywords: Remote sensing
Vegetation IndexCrop coefficientsWater balancea
Crop coefficients
Water balancea
Issue Date: Feb-2016
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Toureiro, C., Serralheiro, R., Shahidian, S., Sousa, A. (2016). Irrigation management with remote sensing: Evaluating irrigation requirement for maize under Mediterranean climate condition. Agricultural Water Management, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.02.010
Abstract: tWater use control methods and water resources planning are of high priority. In irrigated agriculture, theright way to save water is to increase water use efficiency through better management. The present workvalidates procedures and methodologies using remote sensing to determine the water availability in thesoil at each moment, giving the opportunity for the application of the water depth strictly necessaryto optimise crop growth (optimum irrigation timing and irrigation amount). The analysis is applied tothe Irrigation District of Divor, Évora, using 7 experimental plots, which are areas irrigated by centre-pivot systems, cultivated to maize. Data were determined from images of the cultivated surface obtainedby satellite and integrated with atmosphere and crop parameters to calculate biophysical indicatorsand indices of water stress in the vegetation—Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Kc, andKcb. Therefore, evapotranspiration (ETc) was estimated and used to calculate crop water requirement,together with the opportunity and the amount of irrigation water to allocate. Although remote sensingdata available from satellite imagery presented some practical constraints, the study could contribute tothe validation of a new methodology that can be used for irrigation management of a large irrigated area,easier and at lower costs than the traditional FAO recommended crop coefficients method. The remotesensing based methodology can also contribute to significant saves of irrigation water.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
ERU - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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