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Title: A Lapa do Sono (Sesimbra, Portugal) - News about a Neolithic funerary context
Authors: Fernandes, Rosário
Arias Cabal, Pablo
Diniz, Mariana
Tátá, Frederico
Rodrigues, Paulo
Rocha, Leonor
Editors: Rocha, Leonor
Bueno-Ramírez, Primitiva
Branco, Gertrudes
Keywords: Burial caves
Lapa do Sono
Issue Date: Apr-2015
Publisher: British Archaeological Reports
Citation: FERNANDES, R; CABAL, P; DINIZ, M; TÁTÁ, F; RODRIGUES, P, ROCHA, L. (2015) – A Lapa do Sono (Sesimbra, Portugal) – primeira notícia de um novo contexto sepulcral neolítico. Death as Archaeology of Transition: Thoughts and Materials Papers from the II International Conference of Transition Archaeology: Death Archaeology, 29th April –­ 1st May 2013. Edited by Leonor Rocha, Primitiva Bueno-Ramirez and Gertrudes Branco, BAR International Series 2708, p. 29-24.
Abstract: The Lapa do Sono cave (Sesimbra, Portugal), was identified in 2005 during a speleological survey. It was apparently intact at the time of its discovery. During that work, the site could be classified as a Prehistoric burial cave, as some human bones (including a complete skull) and pottery sherds were found. A detailed analysis of the latter and the 14C of the skull confirm its classification in the regional late Early Neolithic. This paper presents a preliminary description and characterization of this context, which will constitute the basis for further archaeological field work.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHAIA - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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