Browsing by Author Albuquerque, Sara
Showing results 17 to 36 of 45
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Jun-2016 | Glimpses of British Guiana at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886 | Albuquerque, Sara |
25-Mar-2022 | Glimpses of the colonial collections at the 1862 London Exhibition: The case of the Angolan ‘Objects’ at the Portuguese section | Albuquerque, Sara; Salgueiro, Ângela |
17-Jun-2021 | Global Affinities: The Natural Method and Anomalous Plants in the Nineteenth Century | Kury, Lorelai; Albuquerque, Sara |
2018 | History, Science and Nature: boundless frontiers... | Salgueiro, Ângela; Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Albuquerque, Sara; Dias, José Pedro |
30-Jan-2018 | «History, Science and Nature: boundless frontiers...», Dossiê "História, Ciência & Natureza" | Salgueiro, Angela; Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Albuquerque, Sara; Dias, José Pedro Sousa |
17-Jun-2021 | Introduction: Global Flora: Mastering Exotic Plants (Eighteenth —NineteenthCenturies) | Lorelai, Kury; Albuquerque, Sara |
2019 | O jardim público de Évora: paisagens e sons do século XIX | Albuquerque, Sara; Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Almeida, Carmen |
May-2021 | Ladies on the map: The case of a manuscript of the 19th century. | Albuquerque, Sara; Figueiroa, Sílvia |
2023 | "Luís Miguel Pires Ceríaco – Zoologia e Museus de História Natural em Portugal (Séculos XVIII-XX)". | Albuquerque, Sara |
2021 | Na primeira pessoa: Frederico e a Planta Maravilhosa - Da investigação ao conto infantil | Albuquerque, Sara |
2019 | Nature, Exchanges & Encounters: Welwitsch’s Synopsis of Medicinal Drugs | Albuquerque, Sara |
2018 | Objects, Histories and Encounters: British Guiana Seen Through Balata | Albuquerque, Sara |
Oct-2019 | “Paisagens sonoras em Évora no século XIX: Contributos para uma história local | Albuquerque, Sara; Nunes, Maria de Fátima |
2018 | Photographic ex-votos. Preservation Questions on Image Collections in Religious Buildings | Trindade, M.; Nogueira Alves, A.; Simões Rodrigues, P.; Ferreira, T. |
Dec-2019 | Plantas, Trocas e Encontros: A Synopse Explicativa das Amostras de Madeiras e Drogas Medicinaes de Friedrich Welwitsch | Albuquerque, Sara |
11-Nov-2021 | Retalhos de paisagem sonora em Évora (1820-1910) | Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Albuquerque, Sara; Almeida, Carmen |
Dec-2020 | The Forgotten Library of the Botanist Friedrich Welwitsch (1806-1872) | Albuquerque, Sara; Figueiroa, Sílvia; Felismino, David |
2018 | The Legacy of Fotokemika Factory as Analog Photographic World Heritage | Illic, Nevena; Cardoso Matos, Ana; Ferreira, Teresa |
2019 | The Portuguese schools of engineers in Lisbon and Porto: continuity and discontinuity of the models and the creation of the national and international networks | Matos, Ana Cardoso de; Sampaio, Maria da Luz |
2024 | The willow (Salix sp.) toothpicks from the Cistercian Monastery of Lorvão (Penacova, Portugal). | Albuquerque, Sara; Mendonça de Carvalho, Luís; Maria Fernandes, Francisca; Nozes, Paula; Nunes, Maria de Fátima |
Showing results 17 to 36 of 45