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Title: ‘It might be what I am’: Looking at the use of Rorschach in psychological assessment.
Authors: Campos, Rui C.
Keywords: psychological assessment
projective methods,
clinical status
Rorschach Comprehensive Sy
content analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Somatic Inkblot Society
Citation: Campos, R. C. (2011). ‘It might be what I am’: Looking at the use of Rorschach in psychological assessment. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 18, 28-38.
Abstract: In this work we begin by emphasizing the importance of projective methods in psychological assessment and to place these methods in the context of other psychological assessment instruments. Than we characterize Rorschach as a projective method and think about its clinical status. After this we present Rorschach Comprehensive System and its principal aspects concerning administration, coding, structural summary and interpretation. Than we present two clinical cases using content analysis of one Rorschach card and we finish this paper with some epistemological statements cards and conclusions.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIEP - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
PSI - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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