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Title: Non-Ergodic Theory vs. Fractal Geometry in Organizational Learning and Dynamic Skills at a Healthcare Food Catering Service
Authors: Lima, Rui
Marreiros, Goreti
Fdez-Riverola, Florentino
Vicente, Henrique
Neves, José
Keywords: Non-Ergodic Theory
Fractal Geometry
Healthcare Food Catering Services
Service Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Lima, R., Marreiros, G., Fdez-Riverola, F., Vicente, H. & Neves, J., Non-Ergodic Theory vs. Fractal Geometry in Organizational Learning and Dynamic Skills at a Healthcare Food Catering Service. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 1151: 197–209, 2025.
Abstract: This paper examines the adoption of non-Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry to enhance organizational learning in healthcare food catering. It critiques conventional linear models, promoting an understanding of varied learning processes across organizational strata. Non-Ergodic Theory emphasizes the diversity of learning among individuals and groups, while Fractal Geometry examines learning as self-similar patterns at multiple scales. This work analyses how employee diversity, knowledge sharing, and cross-level collaboration contribute to a fractal learning environment that supports adaptability and innovation. Findings indicate that implementing these theoretical models can enhance service delivery and customer approval by promoting a culture of relentless education and creative ideas. For managers and practitioners, this study provides a blueprint for enhancing learning processes that can lead to greater efficiency and performance in healthcare food services, suggesting a strategic embrace of employee diversity and interconnected learning patterns for long-term organizational success.
ISSN: 2367-3370 (paper)
2367-3389 (electronic)
Type: article
Appears in Collections:QUI - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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