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Title: The phytossanitary protection of the portuguese olive grove: current and future perspectives
Authors: Rei, Fernando Trindade
Editors: Munoz-Rojas, José
Garcia-Ruiz, Roberto
Keywords: Olea europaea
Integrated pest management
Oive fly
Olive anthracnose
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Rei FT, 2024. The phytossanitary protection of the portuguese olive grove: current and future perspectives. In: The olive landscapes of the mediterranean. Munoz-Rojas J. & Garcia-Ruiz R.eds. 333-344 pp.
Abstract: This chapter describes the situation of the olive phytosanitary protection in Portugal, one of the most important crops in the country. Having two main regions where the olive grove stands out, we proceed to the description of the main olive enemies associated with phytophagous arthropods, fungi and bacteria. The differences associated with each of the two most relevant olive regions are also described. The methodologies currently used to limit the main enemies of the culture are presented, as well as new alternative methods to chemical control, recently studied and developed in Portugal. The influence of predicted climate changes for the Iberian Peninsula is also discussed for the main pest (Bactrocera oleae) and olive disease (Colletotrichum sp.) control.
ISBN: ISBN 978-3-031-57956-1
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Livros

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