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Title: Apresentação Oral - Mortar Based on Sludge from Carbonate Dimension Stone Processing Industry - an Experimental and Feasibility Approach
Authors: Viegas, Paula Alexandra Afonso
Martins, Ruben Varela Martins
Azzalini, Antônio
Faria, Paula Alexandra Gonçalves
Lopes, Joaquim Luís Galego
Mourão, Paulo Alexandre Mira
Ribeiro, Vera Cordeiro Pires de Almeida
Keywords: Sludge
Dimension Stone
Issue Date: 28-Mar-2023
Abstract: The carbonate dimension stone extractive and processing industry produces large amounts of wastes later deposited in heaps and deposits of carbonate sludge.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:GEO - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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