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Title: The value of cytology in the diagnosis of endometritis in the mare - correlation with microbial culture
Authors: Bessa de Carvalho, Inês
Conceição, Sara
Gumarães, Helena
Queiroga, Maria Cristina
Laranjo, Marta
Bettencourt, Elisa
Lopes, Jordana
Branco, Sandra
Keywords: endometritis
microbial culture
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: 2023: ESVP / ECVP / ESVCP / ECVCP Joint Congress
Citation: The value of cytology in the diagnosis of endometritis in the mare - correlation with microbial culture. I. Bessa de Carvalho, S. Conceição, H. Guimarães, C. Queiroga, M. Laranjo, E. Bettencourt, J. Lopes and S. Branco (Joint European Congresso of Veterinary Pathology & Clinical Pathology, 30 agosto – 2 setembro de 2023, Lisboa,Portugal).
Abstract: Endometritis is a common cause of infertility in mares, and the presence of uterine inflammation can be determined by cytology or biopsy. Microbiological analyses and testing the sensitivity to antibiotics are important to maximise the therapy efficacy.Mares with inflammation but no bacterial growth highlight the high sensibility of cytology in the diagnosis of uterine inflammation. A positive culture without inflammation nor clinical signs should not be considered pathogenic. In our mares, the presence of Gram-negative bacteria induced a stronger pro-inflammatory immune response.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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