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Title: Integrated valorisation of Agricultural Plastic Waste as a strategy to improve and restore soil properties
Authors: Filipe, Susana
Mourão, Paulo
Barroso, João
Tranchida, Davide
Keywords: agricultural plastic waste
waste valorisation
soil contamination
soil restoration
plastic waste recycling
waste management
public policies
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Citation: S. Filipe, P. Mourão, J. Barroso, D. Tranchida, Integrated Valorisation of Agricultural Plastic Waste as a strategy to improve and restore soil properties, in, Book of Abstracts from Science Changing Policy Conference, page 51, 2023 (ISBN: 978-972-778-331-1 )
Abstract: The agricultural sector generates a significant amount of plastic waste, which if not properly managed poses a threat to the environment. This paper introduces an overview on valorisation options of agricultural plastic waste which include recycling, energy recovery, pyrolysis, hydrothermal carbonization and hydrogen production. The publication addresses the importance of the application of an holistic approach to tackle challenges related with agricultural plastic waste and soil recovery, combining sustainable waste management practices, implementation of robust collection schemes, plastic waste recovery and soil restoration strategies which all together, will ultimately lead to improved soil health and crop yields. The research will enumerate possible approaches to integrate these strategies in various agricultural settings, including policy recommendations to support sustainable waste and soil management practices.
URI: 978-972-778-332-8
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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