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Title: Construction Solutions, Cost and Thermal Behavior of Efficiently Designed Above-Ground Wine-Aging Facilities
Authors: Gómes-Villarino, M.T.
Barbero-Barrera, M.M.
Cañas, I.
Ramos-Sanz, A.
Baptista, F.J:
Mazarrón, F.R.
Editors: Šeduikyte, L.
Kolarik, J.
Keywords: wine
above-ground warehouse
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: GÓMEZ-VILLARINO M.T., BARBERO-BARRERA M.D.M., CAÑAS I., RAMOS-SANZ A. BAPTISTA F., MAZARRÓN F.R (2024). Construction Solutions, Cost and Thermal Behavior of Efficiently Designed Above-Ground Wine-Aging Facilities. Buildings 14, 655.
Abstract: The wine industry requires a considerable amount of energy, with an important fraction cor responding to the cooling and ventilation of above-ground aging warehouses. The large investments made in aging facilities can compromise the viability and competitiveness of wineries if their design is not optimized. The objective of this study was to provide guidance for the efficient design of new above-ground warehouses. To this end, multiple construction solutions (structure, envelopes, levels of integration, etc.) were characterized, and their costs and the resulting interior environments were analyzed. The results offer a comprehensive view of potential construction solutions and benchmark price ranges for viable and profitable designs. With a total cost of 300 EUR/m2 , an average damping of 98% per day can be achieved. Increasing the costs does not imply better effectiveness. A double enclosure with internal insulation—with or without an air chamber—can achieve excellent results. Greater integration as a result of several enclosures being in contact with other rooms and/or the terrain allows for a high effectiveness to be achieved without air conditioning. Perimeter glazing and ventilation holes can reduce the effectiveness of the construction, resulting in greater instability and a lower damping capacity.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
ERU - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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