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Title: Projeto RAFA - O privilégio da Avaliação Formativa e da sua articulação com a Avaliação Sumativa
Authors: Afonso, Paulo
Borralho, António
Filipe, José
Loureiro, Paula
Editors: Pinto, Hélia
Keywords: Matemática
Avaliação Formativa
Tarefas Matemáticas
Trabalho colaborativo
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: APM
Citation: Afonso, P.; Borralho, A.; Filipe, J.; Loureiro, P. (2022). Projeto RAFA – O privilégio da avaliação formativa e da sua articulação com a avaliação sumativa. Em H. Pinto (coord.), Atas do XXXII Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática (pp 113-130). APM.
Abstract: This article aims to present the implementation in the classroom of a research project based on the theme of formative assessment in conjunction with that of summative assessment, called the RAFA project. Based on challenging teaching, learning and assessment tasks, the classroom environments studied in one of the two regions of the country where it is being implemented demonstrated the intention of the respective teachers to promote a classroom climate based on paper active participation of students in the construction of their learning. Using active methodologies for working in small groups, students were invited to think out loud and solve mathematical tasks collaboratively. In the moments of discussion of the tasks in the group, the professors assumed the posture of questioners with the explicit intention of the students to become aware of the thought processes used in the resolution of the proposed tasks, being able, thus, to assume the role of regulators of their learning in formative assessment context. The summative assessment moments also served the training purpose because, through the production of quality feedback by the teachers, the students became aware of the learning that had already taken place and what mechanisms or cognitive procedures to mobilize to achieve this goal. From the data collected, it appears that the typologies of the classes had an influence on the learning outcomes achieved
ISBN: 978-972-8768-76-8
ISSN: 2795-5192
Type: article
Appears in Collections:PED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings
CIEP - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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