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Title: Estrutura e função digestiva das aves: Chave para a produtividade
Authors: Martins, Luís
Keywords: Nutrição
saúde digestiva
produção animal
Issue Date: 24-Oct-2019
Publisher: Nutrinova, nutrição animal SA
Citation: Martins L. Estrutura e função digestiva das aves: Chave para a produtividade. II Simpósio Avícola - NUTRINOVA - SAÚDE e INTEGRIDADE INTESTINAL em AVES. Figueira da Foz, 24 de Outubro de 2019.
Abstract: Structure and digestive function of birds constitute a true key for productivity. In production systems it serves the increased nutritional needs, the organic defense while gateway for microbial agents and plays a very important role in antigen stimulation for immunity acquisition. This presentation addresses bird's digestive structures and function, focusing on its specific role and limitations regarding productivity. Main conclusions are: 1) Birds are one of the most efficient farm animals and 2) Birds require highly careful production management for that achievement.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:MED - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Nacionais

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