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Title: Fatores de virulência em Aeromonas hydrophila causadora de septicémia em leitões
Other Titles: Virulence factors of piglets septicemia causing Aeromonas hydrophila
Authors: Saavedra, MJ
Dias, C
Amaral, ASP
Queiroga, Maria Cristina
Keywords: Aeromonas
Fatores de virulência
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Citation: Saavedra, M.J.; Dias, C.¸ Amaral, A.S.P.; Branco, S.M. e Queiroga, M.C. (2014) Fatores de virulência em Aeromonas hydrophila causadora de septicémia em leitões. [Virulence factors of piglets septicemia causing Aeromonas hydrophila]. Ciências Veterinárias: Praxis e Futuro, Livro de resumos do VI Congresso de Ciências Veterinárias 2014, INIAV, Quinta do Marquês, Oeiras, 3, 4 e 5 de abril de 2014, p. 171.
Abstract: This work aims to contribute to determine the resistance profile to different antibiotics (ampicillin, gentamicin, penicillin G, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, neomycin, streptomycin, enrofloxacin, colistin sulfate, trimethoprim, sulfamide, tulathromycin, ceftiofur, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid), to assess genetic determinants associated to aminoglycoside antibiotics resistance, namely the presence of genes encoding acetyltransferases (AAC), phosphotransferases (APH) and nucletildiltranferases (ANT), determined by PCR studies, and to search for potentially pathogenic features as the production of extracellular lipases and proteases and the presence of genes encoding for putative virulence factors as aerolysin and related toxins, lipase proteins and type III secretion system component.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:MVT - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Nacionais

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