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Browsing by Author Ramos, A

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 40
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Jun-2008Acetoxilação de canfeno na presença de zeólito betaCastanheiro, J; Ramos, A; Fonseca, I; Vital, J
20-Jul-2008Acetoxylation of camphene catalysed by beta zeoliteCastanheiro, Jose; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J
10-Mar-2011Acetylation of glycerol over heteropolyacids supported on activated carbonFerreira, P; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J; Castanheiro, J
31-Jan-2013Alkoxylation of camphene over silica-occluded tungstophosphoric acidCastanheiro, J; Caiado, M; Machado, A; Santos, R; Matos, I; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Valente, A; Vital, J
10-Sep-2006Bifunctional catalytic PVA composites for the one pot synthesis of camphor from campheneCastanheiro, J; Machado, A; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Botelho do Rego, A; Vital, J
3-Jan-2011Catalytic sulphonated PVA membranes for the synthesis of isoborneol from campheneMachado, A; Castanheiro, J; Vital, J; Ramos, A; Casimiro, M; Pinto, J
2024A Cross-Sectional Study of the Perception of Individualized Nursing Care Among Nurses in Acute Medical and Perioperative Settings.Ramos, A; Pires, S; Sá, E; Gomes, I; Alves, Elisabete; Fonseca, César; Coelho, Anabela
2012Efeitos da semicarbazida no esqueleto de ratos Wistar em crescimento.Ramos, A; Pereira, AMF; Cabrita, AS; Capela e Silva, F
2012Effects of the food contaminant semicarbazide on testicular morphology of juvenile Wistar ratsRamos, A; Pereira, AMF; Cabrita, AS; Capela e Silva, F
15-May-2009Esterification of fatty acids to biodiesel over polymers with sulfonic acid groupsCaetano, CS; Guerreiro, L; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J; Castanheiro, JE
26-Aug-2007Esterification of fatty acids with methanol over heteropolyacids immobilized on silicaCaetano, C; Castanheiro, J; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J
15-Aug-2013Esterification of free fatty acids over chitosan with sulfonic acid groupsCaetano, CS; Caiado, M; Ramos, A; Fonseca, I; Vital, J; Castanheiro, J
20-Dec-2010Esterification of free fatty acids to biodiesel over heteropolyacids immobilized on mesoporous silicaTropecêlo, A; Casimiro, M; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J; Castanheiro, Jose
10-Jun-2008Esterification of free fatty acids with methanol using heteropolyacids immobilized on silicaCaetano, C; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J; Castanheiro, Jose
25-Jan-2009Esterification of glycerol with acetic acid over dodecamolybdophosphoric acid encaged in USY zeoliteFerreira, P; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J; Castanheiro, Jose
28-May-2011Etherification of glycerol with benzyl alcohol over SBA-15 with sulfonic acid groupsCanhão, P; Ramos, A; Fonseca, I; Vital, J; Castanheiro, J
7-Sep-2009Glycerol acetylation over dodecatungstophosphoric acid immobilized into a silica matrix as catalystFerreira, P; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Vital, J; Castanheiro, J
11-Jul-2006HYDRATION OF a-PINENE OVER ACTIVATED CARBON CATALYSTSCastanheiro, J; Ramos, A; Fonseca, I; Botelho do Rego, A; Vittal, J
30-Jun-2005Hydration of a-pinene over molybdophosphoric acid immobilized in hydrophobically modified PVA membranesCastanheiro, José; Fonseca, I; Ramos, A; Oliveira, R; Vital, J
Showing results 1 to 20 of 40


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