Browsing by Author Kolinsky, Régine
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2013 | Alfabetização no Século XXI: Como se aprende a ler e a escrever | Morais, José; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
1-Dec-2017 | Completely illiterate adults can learn to read in less than three months | Kolinsky, Régine; Leite, Isabel; Carvalho, Crsitina; Franco, Ana; Morais, José |
17-Apr-2015 | A cultural side effect: mirror suppression in object recognition is triggered by letter knowledge in preschoolers. | Fernandes, Tânia; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
2013 | Entre a pré-leitura e a leitura hábil: Condições e patamares da aprendizagem | Morais, José; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
2013 | Entre a pré-leitura e a leitura hábil: Condições e patamares da aprendizagem | Morais, José; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
17-Sep-2015 | Face and object visual processing linked to literacy: a longitudinal study | Franco, Ana; Leite, Isabel; Carvalho, Cristina; deGelder, Beatrice; Morais, José; Kolinsky, Régine |
Jul-2016 | From illiteracy to literacy in adult- hood: A microlongitudinal study | Kolinsky, Régine; Franco, Ana; Leite, Isabel; Carvalho, Cristina; Fernandes, Tânia; Calcus, Axelle; Morais, José |
2019 | How to teach fully illiterate adults to read. | Kolinsky, Régine; Carvalho, Cristina; Leite, Isabel; Franco, Ana; Morais, José |
2016 | Into the looking glass: Literacy acquisition and mirror invariance in preschool and first-grade children | Fernandes, Tânia; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
18-Sep-2015 | A matter of timing: when does learning to read start to impact on nonlinguistic object recognition? | Fernandes, Tânia; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
14-Mar-2015 | When does literacy start to impact on visual processing? Evidence from preschool children and illiterate adults. | Fernandes, Tania; Leite, Isabel; Kolinsky, Régine |
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11