Browsing by Subject Road ecology
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2021 | Dry pathways and flowing water within culverts jointly promote crossings by carnivore mammals | Craveiro, João; Benardino, Joana; Mira, António; Vaz, Pedro |
17-Jan-2022 | Eficácia das medidas de minimização de mortalidade por atropelamento de aves e mamíferos | Lopes, Inês Isabel da Silva Prates |
2019 | Impact of culvert flooding on carnivore crossings | Craveiro, João; Bernardino, Joana; Mira, António; Vaz, Pedro |
23-Feb-2022 | Landscape functional connectivity and animal movement: application of remote sensing for increasing efficiency of road mitigation measures | Valerio, Francesco |
8-May-2020 | Spatiotemporal patterns of culvert use by terrestrial Mediterranean mammals | Mouta, Catarina Feliciano |
2022 | The effect of habitat reduction by roads on space use and movement patterns of an endangered species, the Cabrera vole Microtus cabrerae | Fernandes, Nelson; Ferreira, Eduardo; Pita, Riardo; Mira, António; Santos, Sara |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6