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Title: A wind turbine control simulation
Authors: Melício, Rui
Mendes, Victor
Keywords: Wind turbines
Issue Date: 21-Feb-2013
Publisher: JIUE 2013/Universidade de Évora
Citation: Atas das 3ª Jornadas de Informática da Universidade de Évora — JIUE 2013/Universidade de Évora
Abstract: This paper deals with a wind turbine control simulation supported by the use of computational tools appropriate to simulate complex systems. High performance and reliability are required for wind turbines to be competitive within the energy market. A control design of a publicly available wind turbine benchmark model is proposed and simulations results by Matlab/Simulink are shown in order to prove the effectiveness of the design.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:FIS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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