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Title: Fuzzy subtractive clustering technique applied to demand response in a smart grid scope
Authors: Melício, Rui
Mendes, Victor
Figueiredo, João
Keywords: Fuzzy subtractive clustering
demand response
smart grid
Issue Date: 5-Dec-2013
Publisher: ELSEVIER
Citation: Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers — CETC 2013/ELSEVIER
Abstract: This paper focuses on demand response in a smart grid scope using a fuzzy subtractive clustering technique for a favorable modeling of demand response. Domestic consumption is classified into profiles in order to cover the adequate modeling. The fuzzy subtractive clustering technique is applied to on a case study of domestic consumption demand response with three scenarios and a comparison of the results is presented. The demand response developed model intends to support consumer´s decisions given a compromise between the consumption imperative needs and possible economical benefits due to reshape and reschedule.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:FIS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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