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Title: The political economy of Land Reform: A new perspective applied to Latin America
Authors: Sousa, Miguel Rocha de
Keywords: Brazil
human capital
Land Reform
Latin America
Learning by doing
“MST - Movimento dos Sem Terra”
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Sousa, M. R. (2009), The political economy of Land Reform:A new perspective applied to Latin America ,Documento de Trabalho nº 2009/08, Universidade de Évora, Departamento de Economia.
Abstract: We define in section 1 our notion of land reform, on section 2, the most important social and political movements of land reform in Latin America are presented. On section 3 we use a theoretical model in the context of economic growth with human capital learning-by-doing to evaluate land reforms. Section 4, discusses the results. Section 5 presents some economic efficiency estimates for the “Cédula” project of 2000 in NE Brazil - a market led land bill project, sponsored by the World Bank (WB) and the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MDA). Finally, section 6 concludes, and section 7 presents the references.
Type: workingPaper
Appears in Collections:ECN - Working Papers (RePEc)

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