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Title: Credit constraints in low density regions: microcredit in Alentejo
Authors: Rego, Conceição
Vieira, Carlos
Vieira, Isabel
Keywords: Liquidity constraints
low density regions
territorial development
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: APDR
Citation: “Credit constraints in low density regions: microcredit in Alentejo”, Rego, Conceição; Vieira, Isabel e Vieira, Carlos, actas do XIII Congresso da APDR, Julho 2007 (Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal)
Abstract: Regions of low demographic and economic density face major development challenges that greatly increase the struggle of local productive agents for subsistence. In such areas, domestic policies have traditionally been more focused on subsidising the less favoured than in bridging the gap between the poor micro entrepreneurs and the financial funds. Notwithstanding this, inspired by the Bangladeshi experience, many microcredit projects have been implemented around the world and became instrumental tools to eradicate poverty and social exclusion. There are, however, various microfinance models, applied in diverse social and economic contexts, and involving distinct micro entrepreneurs’ profiles. In this work, we characterise the model implemented in Portugal and assess the level of development of one of its less favoured regions, Alentejo, from the point of view of microcredit. The analysis is performed with the objective of evaluating the strategy adopted and to identify the possible areas of improvement, in order to maximise the potential gains from microcredit.
ISBN: 978-972-98803-8-4
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ECN - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings
CEFAGE - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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