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Title: “Recent Advances in Energy Research”
Authors: Miguel, A. F.
Reis, A. Heitor
Editors: Miguel, A. F.
Reis, A. Heitor
Keywords: Energy research
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Inderscience
Citation: “Recent Advances in Energy Research”, Editorial of the Special Issue of the International Journal of Exergy, InderScience Publishers, (A. F. Miguel an A. H. Reis, Eds.),2008.
Abstract: The worldwide scarcity of fossil fuels regarding primary energy demand together with growing environmental concerns have raised new challenges to the world economy, and led to changes in the energy paradigm. Industry, services, researchers, and the Academy are challenged to envisage new solutions through setting up new conversion processes, designing new power systems, and investigating and developing new energy sources and vectors.
ISSN: 1742-8300
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CGE - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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