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Title: Special Issue “Sustainable Energy Sources and Developing Clean Energy Technologies”
Authors: Reis, A. H.
Miguel, A. F.
Keywords: Energy
solar cells
power generation
carbon credits
Issue Date: May-2009
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: A.H. Reis, A. F. Miguel (editores) Special Issue “Sustainable Energy Sources and Developing Clean Energy Technologies”. International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor & Francis) volume 6 (2009)
Abstract: Energy and sustainability are issues in the global agenda. The concern for the impacts of energy use, which adds to the alarm for the scarcity of primary sources of energy, has triggered new research on sustainable primary energy sources and on c1ean and efficient energy systems and processes. Due to the current global warming, the link between energy and environment became inescapable in such a way that researchers have to deal both with efficiency and environmental impacts. In the last few years, forums worldwide have addressed these global issues from different perspectives. This Special issue of the International Journal of Green Energy inc1udes selected papers devoted mainly to sustainable energy sources and developing c1ean energy technologies. The guest editors are grateful to the authors who contributed to this special issue and to all colleagues that participated in the review process.
Type: book
Appears in Collections:FIS - Publicações - Livros
CGE - Publicações - Livros

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