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Title: Students’ representations about quality education: A longitudinal study on nursing and management degrees
Authors: Cid, Marília
Rebelo, Hugo
Bonito, Jorge
Editors: Gök, Fatma
Keywords: Students’ representations
Quality education
Nursing degree
Management degree
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Organizing Committee of XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies and Faculty of Education of the Boğaziçi University
Abstract: The broader study from which this article arises is to verify how the representations of students on the quality of education evolve along the cycle of studies, in order to emerge contributions for improvement of the educational system. Here we present the results concerning representations of teaching quality identified in students of Nursing and Management at three establishments of higher education in the Alentejo region (Portugal).The results shown allow us to conclude that for students in the analyzed sample, from the nursing and management courses, in the three organizations of higher education studied, the representation that they showed regarding quality of education values factors regarding Infrastructures and resources, teachers performance, learning achievement, organization of the teaching and learning processes and adequacy of the course with the labour market.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:PED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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