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Title: CO2 storage through mineral carbonation. Fostering ICT collaboration in innovative technologies
Authors: Pedro, Jorge
Keywords: Mineral carbonation
enhanced weathering
mafic and ultramafic rocks
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Pedro, J, 2024.CO2 storage through mineral carbonation. Fostering ICT collaboration in innovative technologies. ICT journeys 2024. Porto
Abstract: Mineral carbonation is a Research Theme (RT) align with the Scientific Challenge (SC) . “Georesources for circular economy and energy transition”, of the ICT strategy for 2025-2029 period. Mineral carbonation aims to assess CO2 emissions-reduction, to remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere or ocean and is aligned with the European and National policies, strategies and goals, specifically the European Green Deal and the Net-Zero Industry Act, which establishes a prosperous and carbon-neutral Europe for 2050, and the national Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050. The goals of mineral carbonation are transversal to the other ICT Scientific Challenges, requires cooperation and encouraging collaborative work within the ICT community.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:ICT - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Nacionais

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