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Title: The effects of a 12-week yoga program on the CoP of military pilots before and after a flight emergency simulation using Biosignals Plux force platform
Authors: Santos, Sara
Parraca, José Alberto
Alegrete, Joana
Cabo, Carolina Alexandra
Melo, Filipe
Fernandes, Orlando
Keywords: Biomechanics
postural control
military pilots
Center of Pressure
flight emergency simulation
Portuguese Airforce
Ashtanga Yoga Supta
Issue Date: 8-Sep-2023
Abstract: This study examined the effects of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Supta on Center of Pressure (CoP) displacement in healthy student pilots, using the Biosignals Plux force platform, under the premise that yoga would lead to improvements in pos- tural control responses. CoP response was analyzed by the Plux (Portugal) one-dimensional force platform. A total of 18 military pilots participated in this study. The pilots were in their Portuguese Air Force Academy course ‘‘Masters in Military Aeronautics: Aviator Pilot Specialist,’’ also called Tirocinium. Participants were randomly assigned to yoga classes (intervention group) or a waiting list (control group) and completed a flight emergency protocol in a flight simulator. CoP displacement was collected before and after all these maneuvers had been completed and both measures occurred before (baseline values) and after a 12-week yoga program. Although the differences observed between groups are not significant, after calculating the effect size, we can theorize that the intervention group maintains CoP displacement before and after flight and the control group has a higher CoP displacement after flight simulation. CoP information col- lected through noninvasive portable devices such as the Biosignals Plux force platform can relay important information quickly and easily. Knowing under what circumstances pilots are affected can then lead to development or enhancement of training strategies to improve those psychophysiological responses. In this study the effects, while not significant, are present, so it may be necessary to add more weeks of training to make the yoga program effective.
URI: 10.1177/17543371231196340
Type: article
Appears in Collections:DES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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