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Title: Mineralogical and chemical characterization of surfa ce orange layers on the limestone of the Monastery of Batalha, Central Portugal.
Authors: Schiavon, Nicola
Issue Date: Oct-2020
Publisher: 2020 IMEKO TC-4
Citation: Yufan Ding, Pedro Redol, Emma Angelini, Jose Mirao, & Nick Schiavon. (2020, October 22). Mineralogical and chemical characterization of surfa ce orange layers on the limestone of the Monastery of Batalha, Central Portugal.
Abstract: Abstract Samples of orange surface patina s found on the limestone balustr ade and sculpture s of the Batalha Monastery in Portugal, have been investigated by X ray micro diffract ometry (µ XRD) and Low Vacuum S canning E lectron M icroscop y coupled with E nergy D ispers ive S pectromet ry (LV SEM + EDS) EDS). Aim of t he study was to asse ss wh ethe r the orange layers ha ve been i ntentionally applied or were resulting from stone weathering Preliminary r esult s suggest that the orange layer on the surface is mainly consisted of gypsum and hematite with halite and weddellite as minor compon ents This di scovery i mplies the possibility that such orange patina s were applied intentionally instead of having been formed naturally by decay . A comparison was made between thi s patina and the “scialbatura ””, a protective c oating often applied by conserva tors on lim estone s an d marbles in monuments.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HERCULES - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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