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Title: Quality of Life - Urban versus Rural analysis based on fuzzy sets approach
Authors: Dionisio, Andreia
Rego, Conceição
Editors: Andersen, Valdemar F.
Keywords: Quality of Life
Rural Regions
Urban regions
exploratory factor analysis
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Citation: Dionísio, A. e Rego, C. (2020). “Quality of Life - Urban versus Rural analysis based on fuzzy sets approach” in An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Nova Science Publishers. Andersen, V. (Eds). ISBN 9781536180121
Abstract: This study provides a comparison of the Quality of Life (QoL) in urban, intermediate and rural NUTS III regions in Portugal. The main goal is to identify and analyse the necessary and sufficient conditions for high levels of QoL in those different regions. The distinction of those areas is based on population in rural areas (population density), share of population in rural areas and size of urban centres. We use data provided by several institutions, through Statistics Portugal and PORDATA. The Gini Index is the proxy used for QoL, ie, higher the Gini Index, lower the global development level and consequently, QoL. The domains of QoL under study are: (i) living material conditions; (ii) productive activity; (iii) health; (iv) education; (v) leisure and social interactions; (vi) physical security; (vii) governance; and, (viii) natural living conditions. In order to obtain these domains, we use exploratory factor analysis. Having the domains as conditions, fuzzy sets are applied in order to evaluate the necessary and sufficient conditions to urban and rural regions. Our results point to some similar and other different necessary and sufficient conditions for rural and urban regions; for example, higher Gini Index is related with less ageing people and access to health services, both in rural or urban regions.
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:CEFAGE - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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