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Title: Robust Control of a Wind Turbine Using Third Generation CRONE Control
Authors: Ravasco, Francisco
Melício, Rui
Batista, Nelson
Valério, Duarte
Keywords: Wind energy
Darrieus wind turbines
Control Strategy
Fractional Control
Third Generation CRONE Control
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: IEEE 19th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering — EEEIC 2019
Abstract: This paper presents the identification, development and simulation of a complex order, third generation CRONE controller for a new vertical-axis wind turbine prototype of the Darrieus type. The prototype was tested in a wind tunnel and the data used to develop an accurate model, validated experimentally. The CRONE control system design methodology was then used to develop a robust controller, which was then tested in simulation. Simulations allow for parameter uncertainty and different wind conditions, with and without the presence of turbulence. This control system can be easily implemented using an Arduino platform.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:FIS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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