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Title: Sustainable farming best practices for MSc programmes
Authors: Baptista, F.
Lourenço, P.
Cruz, V.F.
Silva, L.L.
Silva, J.R.
Correia, M.
Papadakis, G.
Dimitriou, E.
Picuno, P.
Keywords: High Education
Sustainable agriculture
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Baptista, F., Lourenço, P., Cruz, V.F., Silva, L.L., Silva, J.R., Correia, M., Papadakis, G., Dimitriou, E., Picuno, P. (2019) Sustainable farming best practices for MSc programmes, In: García-Ramos, F.J., Martín-Ramos, P. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress. Huesca, Spain: Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 296-304. Doi: 10.27654/
Abstract: The sustainable agriculture concept emerges from the necessity to ensure food production to feed the human growing population, while the natural resources, water and soil quality, ecosystems and others are preserved. One way to implement the know-how and techniques in sustainable agriculture is through educational courses in the universities, such as MSc programme, by promoting communication between academics, researchers, agricultural workers and other experts. This paper examines the best practices to serve as a guide to develop a MSc programme in Sustainable Farming. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed to academics’ expert in agrarian sciences in Greece, Italy and Portugal. The questionnaires were developed in order to define the fundamental competences/expertise, to identify the sustainable agricultural practices and the methods of training/learning that should be taken in consideration in a MSc programme in sustainable farming. The results allowed to identify the relevant best practices that should be taken into account when developing the MSc programme. The fundamental competences/expertise to be present in a MSc programme on sustainable farming were found. The most important sustainable farming practices were identified. Also, highlights the more adequate forms of training/learning and the more efficient training methods.
ISBN: 978-84-16723-79-9
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MED - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings
ERU - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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