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Title: Global Rock Art. Anais do Congresso Internacional de Arte Rupestre.
Authors: Rocha, Leonor
Keywords: Arte rupestre
Arte megalítica
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: With this communication, we pretend to contribute for the knowledge of rock and megalithic art in the Central Alentejo and its relationship with peasant societies, as in chronological terms as on space. In this area, the first references to rock art are due to V. Correia that in 1921, refers the existence of two granite blocks with rock art in open air. In subsequent years, this type of record was in some way away from the main research topics of regional archaeology, which remained until the 3rd quarter of XXth century. The identification of decorated menhirs, rocks with engravings and Guadiana´s rock art has brought a new impetus to this issue, especially since they are beginning to be identified in clearly association with pre and proto-historic villages.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CHAIA - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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