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Title: Teknova: Calciner Problem
Authors: Allwright, David
Correia, Joaquim M.C.
Fromreide, Mads
Zefreh, Masoud Ghaderi
Kavallaris, Nikos
Lacey, Andrew
Manoylov, Anton
Ockendon, John
Please, Colin
Rooney, Caoimhe
Roper, Steven
Sakradja, Piotr
Sloman, Ben
Zyskin, Maxim
Keywords: electric calciner
graphitization model
granular flow
carbon sublimation
Issue Date: 15-Apr-2016
Publisher: Study Groups with Industry, Mathematics in Industry
Citation: "Calciner Problem", Problem presented by Teknova at the 116th European Study Group with Industry, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Durham, England, April 15, 2016
Abstract: Expressing the properties of the exit material as a function of the potential difference and mass flux (scraping rate) and solving the mechanical problem in order to obtain a velocity field to be fed into multi-physics numerical platforms.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CIMA - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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