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Title: Ex Vivo Model for Percutaneous Vertebroplasty
Authors: Oliveira, Maria Teresa
Lucena, Sonia
Potes, José
Queiroga, Maria Cristina
Rehman, Sarrawat
Dalgarno, Kenneth
Ramos, António
Reis, Joana
Editors: Ginebra, Maria-Pau
Canal, Cristina
Espanol, Montserrat
Montufar, Edgar
Perez, Roman
Keywords: percutaneous vertebroplasty
animal model
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Key Engineering Materials
Citation: Oliveira, MT, Lucena, S, Potes, J, Queiroga, MC, Rehman, S, Dalgarno, K, Ramos, A, Reis, J (2015): Ex Vivo Model for Percutaneous Vertebroplasty. Key Engineering Materials 631: 408-413
Abstract: The testing of novel biomaterials for percutaneous vertebroplasty depends on suitable animal models. The aim of this study was to develop ex vivo a reproducible and feasible model of percutaneous vertebroplasty, for ulterior application in vivo. A large animal model was used (Merino sheep), due to its translational properties. Vertebroplasty was performed under tactile and fluoroscopic control, through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in lumbar vertebrae (n=12). Care was taken in order to avoid disruption of the vertebral foramen. The average defect volume was 1234±240 mm3. This mean volume ensures practical defects to test novel injectable biomaterials. 6 vertebrae were injected with a commercial cement (Cerament®, Bone Support, Sweden). Adequate defect filling was observed in all vertebrae. All vertebrae were assessed by microCT, prior to and post defect creation and after biomaterial injection. All vertebrae were mechanical tested. No mechanical failure was observed under loads higher than the physiological. Ultimately, this model is considered suitable for pre-clinical in vivo studies, mimicking clinical application.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:MVT - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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