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Title: Show-casing the Past: on agency, space and tourism
Authors: Pires, Ema
Editors: Sarmento, João
Brito-Henriques, Eduardo
Keywords: Space
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: Centro de Estudos Geográficos - Universidade de Lisboa
Citation: ’Showcasing the past: on agency, space and tourism’, em João Sarmento & Eduardo B. Henriques (Edits.) Tourism in the Global South: Heritages, Identities and Development, Lisboa, Centre for Geographical Studies University of Lisbon, pp.179-192. ISBN: 978-972-636-235-7
Abstract: This paper explores linkages between tourism, space and power, in order to explore how these aspects relate to peoples’ spatial practices. Using a diachronic approach to tourism, this paper argues that in order to understand tourism phenomenon we cannot do without three intertwined categories: time, space and power. Indeed, understanding spaces of tourism is closely related with depicting their multiple layers of fabric weaved through the passing of time. Based on ethnographic research (Pires 2012), empirical focus is focused in analysing practices of production and appropriation of space in Malacca (West Malaysia).
ISBN: 978-972-636-235-7
Type: article
Appears in Collections:SOC - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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