Browsing by Author Inácio, Filipe
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Dec-2007 | Allergic primary sensitization to lupine seed | Quaresma, Rute; Viseu, Regina; Martins, Luís; Tomaz, Elsa; Inácio, Filipe |
27-Mar-2009 | CD4 T-Cell Cytokine Response to Mite Recombinant Tropomyosin in Mite, Snail and Shrimp Allergic Patients | Martins, Luís; Pires, Euclides; Inácio, Filipe |
Nov-2007 | Flow Cytometry Evaluation of CD4 T Cell Cytokine Response to rDer p 10 in Mite, Snail and Shrimp Allergic Patients, Following Short-term PBMC Stimulated Cultures | Martins, Luís; Pires, Euclides; Inácio, Filipe |
Jan-2005 | The Helix aspersa (Brown Garden Snail) allergen repertoire | Martins, Luís; Peltre, Gabriel; Pires, Euclides; Faro, Carlos; Inácio, Filipe |
12-Dec-2016 | Veterinary allergy diagnosis: past, present and future perspectives | Martins, Luís; Bento, Ofélia; Inácio, Filipe |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5