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Title: Sharing Common Social Practices: Sociability Spaces in XIXth Century Europe without borders
Authors: Zozaya-Montes, Maria
Keywords: European sociability Spaces
Elite peer Groups
"Habitus Nobiliar"
Patterns of common associations
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2013
Citation: Zozaya, Maria, ”Sharing Common Social Practices: Sociability Spaces in XIXth Century Europe without borders”. Interdisciplinary Conference of AHLiST 2013: Crossing the Border: Encounters between Cultures and Disciplines . Purdue University (USA), Txkingua University (Pekin). Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 5-6 July 2013.
Abstract: Although is usual to mark social differences between north and southern Europe in the XIXth Century, the elites of all that wide region shared many collective sociability practices. In this on-going research are studied the new gentlemanly clubs of the Liberalism, born between 1830 and 1870. They all shared common ways to behave for those elite spaces which allowed those peer groups reproduce the so-called "habitus nobiliar" (Pierre Bourdieu).
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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