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Title: Um olhar interorganizacional sobre a formação profissional. Dilemas e desafios para as organizações
Authors: Fialho, Joaquim
Silva, Carlos
Saragoça, José
Keywords: Análise de redes sociais
formação profissional
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia
Abstract: The primacy of organizations closed and self-sufficient is exceeded. In this climate of uncertainty gained ground the need for organizations to associate, unite efforts, devise common strategies of action towards common objectives. Consequently and also the need for organizations to act jointly and associates, sharing various resources, such as, information and knowledge, is the thesis of the need for cooperation interoganizacional. The competition becomes' perverse, implies a strategic organizational culture and organizational break with previous models turned in ward in search of an economy of scale and without concern for the environment variables. This communication results in a reconstruction and updating of the results of a research project conducted between 2004 and 2007, whose main guidelines have focused on identifying the dynamics of inter-training institutions, particularly in terms of processes and forms of cooperation developed by organizations that develop vocational training in the Alentejo (Portugal). With the use of the methodology of social network analysis, the research team thought to understand the dynamics of cooperation stablished among the organizations that develop vocational training in this territory. As a priority area in terms of implementation of UE Structural Funds, the research team sought to uncover the logic of sharing resources, developing strategies for training and, finally, the positioning of actors in the network.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:SOC - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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