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Title: Templated mesoporous materials: expectations, facts and challenges
Authors: Ribeiro Carrott, M.M.L.
Keywords: Chemistry
Templated Mesoporous Materials
Surface Chemistry
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Universidade de Aveiro
Citation: "Templated mesoporous materials: expectations, facts and challenges", M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott, Plenary lecture 2, in Book of Abstracts of “2PYCheM - 2nd Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting”, S.M. Santos & M. Sardo (Eds.), Universidade de Aveiro (2010) 4.
Abstract: This presentation included an overview of the main types of the mesoporous structures that can be generated via template processes, addressing the role of surface chemistry on their formation and implications in their properties and applications. Some aspects considered involved the introduction of catalytic functionalities, the important contributions that these model porous solids brought to the testing of fundamentals underlying gas adsorption, previously developed with common mesoporous materials having broad pore size distributions, and also their potential as molecular sieves for big molecules in the liquid phase. Together with the beautiful aspects, some challenges still to overcome, were also mentioned.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:QUI - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais
CQE - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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