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Title: Symbolic Dynamics and Networks Synchronization
Authors: Caneco, Acilina
Fernandes, Sara
Grácio, Clara
Rocha, José Leonel
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Proceedings of IEEE
Citation: Caneco, A., Fernandes, S., Grácio, C. and Rocha, J.L., Symbolic Dynamics and Networks Synchronization, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Applications (NOMA’07), LATTIS-INSA, Toulouse University, FRANCE, DEC. 13-14, (2007).
Abstract: In this work we use symbolic dynamics to relate the synchronization interval of a network with the topological entropy in each node. In particular, we conclude that in some graphs there exists always a nonempty synchronization interval. Moreover, if we fix the network topology, the amplitude of the synchronization interval decreases when the topological entropy increases.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIMA - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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